
"What’s she up to this time, Blair?" Jim asked, leaning over his best bud's shoulder to read the email Blair had just opened.

"You don't want to know, cupcake."

Jim ruffled Blair's curls playfully, "Well, I think I do. I asked after all. We can't do a proper job of surveillance if you won't tell me what the insane one up to, can we?"

Blair batted away the playful hand. "You're soooo not going to like this."

A worried frown puckered Jim's high brow. "You're scaring me here, Cuddle Cheeks."

"Okay," Blair scouted back, pointing to the comp screen. "Read it yourself."

Jim hunkered down, skimming the words. "What's that? You can't be serious. She wants TO SPLIT US UP???"

"That's how it reads, Cock A Doodle man," Bobby Hobbes grinned, grabbing Jim ass. "Come play with me....
RarePairsInFanFic-subscribe@egroups.com "

Jim gave Blair a peck on the cheek. "Sorry, best bud, but the lady has spoken." He turned into Bobby's eager arms, letting his knowing fingers race to an unfamiliar playground in the other man's pants.

Tacky, I know. but that's the gist of it. The list is for rare pairings, both in popular and rare fandoms. Xovers are obviously welcome, gen or adult het slash pairings But you MUST be over legal age.

Oh, there are two more, but I'm tired and not wanting to do another snippet, so
